

Chip Component in Bolt

Pill like container for displaying meta data text. Part of the Bolt “Components” CSS framework that powers the Bolt Design System.

Install via NPM
npm install @bolt/components-chip
  {% include "@bolt-components-chip/chip.twig" with {
  text: "This is a chip",
  url: "#!",
} only %}

Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.

Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal attributes object. Used to apply with extra HTML attributes to the outer <bolt-chip> tag.

Text *

Text content of the chip.

string , array , object

Controls the size of the chip.

string small
  • xsmall, small, medium

Optional. Contains a URL that the chip points to. When URL is present, tag changes to a, otherwise tag would be span.


Specifies where to display the linked URL. This may also be passed as part of attributes.


Bolt icon. Accepts the same options as Bolt Icon Component @bolt-components-icon plus an additional 'position' parameter that determines placement within the button.

  • @bolt-components-icon/icon.schema.json > Object details
    • attributes

      A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.

      Type: object
    • name

      Icon name.

      Type: string
      • academy, add, add-open, add-solid, agile, app-development, app-exchange, arrow-left, asset-data, asset-infographic, asset-interactive, asset-link, asset-media, asset-podcast, asset-presentation, asset-text, asset-video, bolt-logo-colored, brand-atom, brand-meteor, brand-molecule, brand-operations, brand-orbit, brand-rocket, brand-satelite, brand-triangle, calendar, careers, case-management, chart-bar, check, check-circle, check-solid, chevron-down, chevron-left, chevron-right, chevron-up, close, close-circled, close-open, close-solid, cloud, co-browse, collaboration, communications, copy-to-clipboard, credit-card, customer-decision-hub, customer-onboarding, customer-service, data-integrations, discussions, documentation, download, email, energy, entertainment, exclamation, exit-full-screen, external-link, eye, eye-off, face-happy, face-sad, facebook, facebook-solid, field-service, field-service-gray, file-small, filter, financial, full-screen, github, global, government, healthcare, heart, hospitality, ideas, industries, info-open, info-solid, insurance, integration, intelligent-virtual-assistant, java, knowledgebase, launchpad, life-sciences, linkedin, linkedin-solid, list, lock, manufacturing, map-pin, map-pin-solid, marketing, marketing-gray, menu, minus-open, minus-solid, mobility, more, omni-channel, partners, pencil, platform, podcast, print, product, product-delivery, questions, refresh, reply, reporting, retail, robo-auto, sales-automation, scalability, search, share, star-solid, support, system-admin, thumbs-up-open, time-open, training, transportation, trash, twitter, twitter-solid, unlock, upload, user, user-interface, video, vision, warning, watch, workforce-intelligence, world-open, youtube-solid
    • background

      Background shape. This applies only to 'xlarge' icons.

      Type: string
      • circle or square
    • size

      Icon size.

      Type: string
      • small, medium, large, xlarge
    • color

      Icon color. Currently only support default (black) and teal.

      Type: string
      • teal or blue

DEPRECATED - tag is automatically determined by URL.

Open Accordion Close Accordion

Manually disables the component from rendering to the Shadow DOM in a Twig template. Useful for testing cross browser functionality / rendering behavior. By default this is handled globally based on browser support.


Manually disables the web component from rendering to the Shadow DOM. Useful for testing cross browser functionality / rendering behavior. By default this is handled globally based on browser support.

Debug Panel